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WordPress.org Pricing Overview

WordPress.org Pricing Plans
WordPress.org has not provided pricing information for this product. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. Contact WordPress.org to obtain current pricing.
Pricing information for WordPress.org is supplied by the software vendor or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials.

WordPress.org Pricing Reviews

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Sep 29, 2017
Overall Rating:
David M.
Disabled Tech Blogger
"WordPres for small-business e-commerce site"
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

My favorite features that WordPress allows you to have a versatile hosting platform that is an all-in-one. one-stop shop. For around thirty dollars/year, you have a web host that the majority of the Internet trust to operate various services and sites that are the backbone of the web. They have an extensive plug-in database and add-ons, for site customization. This, coupled with vast support for various DNS host providers.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

Not much to complain about, but perhaps a more versatile free hosting option for volunteers The Personal plan is a little pricey at nearly forty dollars/year, which does not include DNS registration fees or charges. If they included these fees for this price, as bargain DNS registration fees run 10-15 USD/year on top of this, it would improve the value proposition.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

We use this site for my wife's e-commerce art business website. She sells originals, prints, and does commissions, along with licensed designs and products being sold, on affiliate websites and distributors. The availability and breadth of potential plugins and API applets at the touch of a keyboard database search engine. The solid support for HTML5 and CSS coding options is a great boon to making art slideshows and product concepts.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Apr 19, 2019
Overall Rating:
Thomas S. avatar
Thomas S.
Chief Data Officer
"The ideal platform to create any type of website."
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

WordPress is an excellent company, I had a good experience using this platform. I like it is free, I can create any website that you want very easy and fast, I can modify it and adapt it to my liking, it also allows me to use free templates and paid templates, the platform is very good since without having so much knowledge about development web, I can design a professional page. I also like that this company allows me to integrate MailChimp, so I can work with my email marketing provider, I feel more familiar with using this platform and I know I have better performance. WordPress also allows me to create virtual stores using the WooCommerce Plugin, it works excellent and gives a completely professional design to my website.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

WordPress has improved a lot in recent years, but still have things to improve, I do not like that when I install many plugins or upload many files on my website, the platform consumes resources and the site works but slow. They must improve the speed, since pages like eCommerce, they need to upload many files for each product, and when the store runs slowly, we lose customers.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

This company has brought a lot of value to my company, I used a few months ago platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce to make a virtual store, I spent a lot of money between the cost of the monthly payment, plus the cost of each application, in each invoice they charged me a lot of money . With WordPress everything has changed, I have used the free platform with Premuim themes but with excellent applications and the result has been the same as I had with other platforms and saving me money in monthly expenses. This platform is excellent.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 25, 2018
Overall Rating:
Kevin O. avatar
Kevin O.
Creative Director
"Great resource for the modern blogger"
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

I like the comprehensive structure of the back end best of all. It is easy to navigate, easy to update and easy to change themes. The amount of themes is astonishing - there are thousands to choose from. This allows me to make my own website truly unique amongst the millions of sites on the web. Also, the choice of widgets and plugins is enormous. There is a plugin for almost everything. This makes it so easy to create the kind of site I want.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

I prefer not to use the hosted version of Wordpress. It feels like you have less control over your website. That may not be true in practice, but I prefer to have the Wordpress install on my own server on with my own hosting company so I feel I own it and can control it.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

The biggest business problem I solve with Wordpress is that it provides me beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything I want free of charge. I look at other solutions that cost money and none compared to Wordpress for functionality and ease of use. Because it is free it makes it priceless at the same time.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Oct 12, 2019
Overall Rating:
Verified Reviewer
"Costruttore di siti web facile da usare"
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

Questo è l'attuale costruttore di siti web più utilizzato al mondo. Personalmente sono più di 5 anni ci lavoro. Come i principali costruttori di siti web, l'installazione in un solo clic è veramente facile. L'implementazione della pubblicità per provare a monetizzare le visite che si ricevono sul sito web sono fornite attraverso l'interfaccia di backend. Tra i motivi principali per cui WordPress.org è il costruttore più utilizzato possiamo sicuramente affermare il controllo totale del codice sorgente e dei plugin. WordPress è spesso indicato per siti aziendali, tuttavia si possono anche creare ecommerce attraverso l'installazione di plugin (Woocommerce).

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

Sicuramente un grande svantaggio è il supporto che si rivolge solo a temi e plugin a pagamento. Per quanto riguarda i temi/plugin gratuiti, bisogna fare affidamento al supporto della community. Inoltre uno svantaggio da non sottovalutare sono le "troppe" impostazioni di WordPress, un po confusionarie e complicate all'inizio dell'utilizzo della piattaforma. Tuttavia passando del tempo si riesce ad apprendere l'utilizzo nel complesso.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

Il principale vantaggio sarebbe il basso costo del sito, indipendentemente dai costi (dominio+hosting). Inoltre, essere in grado di creare un sito professionale con poca conoscenza del codice è un ottima soluzione per chiunque abbia bisogno di un sito web. Quindì io certamente lo consiglio a qualsiasi azienda che desidera espandere la propria presenza online.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Aug 01, 2017
Overall Rating:
Richa G.
Technical Analyst Ii
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

full content management system with thousands of plugins and widgets and themes.Open-Source- Since WordPress is open-source, you will have the ability to freely modify and distribute code without worrying about licensing fees. Low Cost- WordPress is a cost-effective option, making it a great choice for smaller businesses and non-profits. Easy to Use-You don’t have to be a developer to install and use WordPress. It is quite intuitive and a great option for people with little to no experience. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Benefits-Google especially likes WordPress sites because they tend to automatically solve SEO issues and are easily crawlable by search engines. Also, since WordPress has such a large community, there are many options for SEO plug-ins.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

Limited Permission-Unlike other content management systems, WordPress does not give you the ability to create groups and assign permissions to various people. Therefore, you cannot regulate which sections specific staff members can edit on the site. Security Flaws-Since WordPress is so large and many of the sites are self-hosted, it is quite attractive to potential hackers. No Native Content Blocks-WordPress does not offer the ability to natively define multiple content areas within one template which can make managing different sections of content more difficult. E-Commerce Limitations-While WordPress does have a variety of e-commerce plug-ins available, they do not have high functionality like other systems offer.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

Since WordPress is open-source, you will have the ability to freely modify and distribute code without worrying about licensing fees.WordPress is a simple system to operate. The Webmaster hardly needs to spend time learning the system before he/she can begin to work with and edit the site content. In addition, the system is simple to install – which means there’s no need for a high-level programmer for the basic setup

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Aug 22, 2017
Overall Rating:
Kimi A.
School Social Worker
"The sky's the limit (but it'll cost ya)"
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

WordPress.org gives the user total control to create anything, including a custom domain name. You can literally make any kind of website you want to.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

Unlike WordPress.com (which is free), WordPress.org costs money. It *can* get costly... which is why I then switched back to WordPress.com, since really I just needed to make a very basic website for my students. Additionally, I would use this for my acting resumes since I will be able to get rid of the ads and make it look more professional, but I will need more money first since there is a subscription fee.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

With WordPress.org, you can get rid of the ads that plague WordPress.com.

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Jan 23, 2019
Overall Rating:
Reda H.
Senior Manager Business Operations
"Ur Website builder"
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

Wordpress is the market leader in website building, what it means is that developpers are very familiar with the technology, it has great support community, you will find all ur answers online, the support is great. More template to chose from that you can find time to check, some of them will cost you to buy from the developpers. The pricing is also streamlined, so no excessive charges.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

Wordpress for me has become such a reference that it should have improved useability. Drag and drop for exemple.. the inclusion of ready to go e-commerce platform. It isn't as intuitive for amateurs as website building should be. You can charge a lot more by providing the full solution.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

build a website for my start up

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Oct 09, 2017
Overall Rating:
April C.
Lead Personal Support Supervsior
"Love the pricing!"
What do you like best about WordPress.org?

At first, it was hard for me to find an interest in WordPress considering it's initial attraction was lacking. But after having a closer look, I found it to be a very professional software that was nicely priced and easily acceptable.

What do you dislike about WordPress.org?

I couldn't seem to get back the fact, though, that it seemed like most WordPress sites all looked the same. There wasn't much individuality. As a person like me that desires to stand out in every asset of my life, it's hard to work with a software like Wordpress because I kept feeling like there was something missing and a desire that I needed satisfied; that desire was to be different.

What problems is WordPress.org solving and how is that benefiting you?

Website design. I realized that it is good to find a site that defines your personality on a major scale and not just one that gives you basic needs. If I am going to give my money a product, I need to feel atleast halfway satified.