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Salesforce Platform Reviews & Product Details

Salesforce Platform Overview
What is Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce is a cloud-based software designed to help businesses find more prospects, close more deals, and provide customer satisfaction. It is a complete suite of products, that unites sales, service, marketing, commerce, and IT teams with a single, shared view of customer information, helping the business grow relationships with customers and employees alike.

Company Salesforce
Year founded 1999
Company size 10,001+ employees
Headquarters San Francisco, California
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Salesforce Platform Product Details
Small Business
Mid Market
Deployment Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone
Support 24/7 (Live rep), Chat, Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Knowledge Base, Phone Support
Training Documentation
Languages English
Salesforce Platform Features
API Management
Backup and Recovery
Code Repository Integration
Container Support
Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
Cost Management
Customizable Workflows
Database Management
DevOps Tools Integration
Event-Driven Architecture
High Availability
Hybrid Cloud Support
Identity and Access Management
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Support
Load Balancing
Logging and Tracing
Message Queuing
Microservices Architecture
Monitoring and Analytics
Multi-Cloud Support
Networking Capabilities
Resource Management
Security and Compliance
Serverless Computing
Service Mesh
Service Orchestration
Version Control
Salesforce Platform Media
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Our research is curated from diverse authoritative sources and meant to offer general advice. We don’t guarantee that our suggestions will work best for each use-case, so consider your unique needs when choosing products and services. Feel free to share your feedback.
Last updated: June 29, 2024
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1,822 Salesforce Platform Reviews
4.5 out of 5
Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 07, 2023
Overall Rating:
Rishabh G.
"Automation testing using Salesforce is very effective"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforc allows automation tools that can be very helpful for the automation testers.We can easily make the workflows and flows from which we can save out time as compare to manual testing.We can easliy integrate third party automation tools to test the data.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce can be a bit complex for the testers who don't have much knowledge about the Salesforce Platform. So it require some training to learn about the Salesforce and it is also a bit high in licensing cost.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

We integrate the TOSCA automation tool using Salesforce. Therefore, it improves our performance measurement and reduces the time spent on repetitive tasks when testing each scenario. It also eliminates human error. It also allows us to easily create, delete or modify profiles.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 07, 2023
Overall Rating:
Ruby G.
"A Complex tool! Can be specialized based on the company needs!"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

You can customize and be specific depends on how you want it to be

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Need to allot time and effort to understand and prevent any errors that may arise in the future.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Make your tool easier and accessible by specifying the problems and solving by having it customized

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 07, 2023
Overall Rating:
Adarsh G.
"Salesforce CRM Platform to manage your business"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Number of standard features are available to ease your business Point & click features are available to customize things according to your business needs

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Frequent updates are hard to remember Sometimes slow during maintainance

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Data management is quite easy in salesforce, standard objects are available to store the data and manage the data smoothly. It helps to maintain a good customer relationship & help to grow your business

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 06, 2023
Overall Rating:
Riya V.
"Easliy Automate Business Using Salesforce"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce allows us to place all the data at a single location so we can store our financial data that includes our transactions , invoices and expenses. We can easily access the data and there is no fear of losing the data. We can also integrate it with out financial softwares.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

The mobile experience of Salesforce is not as much good for financial professionals. Salesforce is quite high in cost for small businesses.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

We make reports for gathering the information about our growth in the financial year and we also create dashboards to see the comparison between the growths in the different financial years.It is highly customizable so we can create custom fields and use formulas that can help us to calculate the amount with tax or without tax easily. Salesforce has very good data security so it protects our sensitive financial information.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 06, 2023
Overall Rating:
Arjun T.
"Highlightning Salesforce Service Cloud Features and Specifications"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce Service Cloud provides out of the box customer service support with enhanced case management features and others like field service support, omni channel. Service Cloud has the capabilities to foster the business management by providing extreme services to the customers within the platform.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce Service Cloud should have some additional features such as customer calling features or sales dialer to call/schedule customers with easy approach.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Salescforce Service Cloud helped me to reach customers easily and manage their issues/cases within the deadlines and benefit my business customer support with more reliablity and grow the number of customers

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 06, 2023
Overall Rating:
Chanchal S.
"Reduces the manual work using the Salesforce"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce allow us to create the validation rules from which we can make our data more accurate. It also allow us to automate the data entry task and reduces the manual work. Sp it will reduce the risk of human errors.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Some non-professionals find the Salesforce interface a bit difficult, especially if they are new to the CRM platform. It takes time to learn the platform correctly.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

We are using workflows, flows and process builders so we can autoamte our invoice approval process. We are also using it to send the reminders regarding the payments and also tracking the expenses in a financial year.This process reduces the time and efforts of the manual work.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 06, 2023
Overall Rating:
Aman V.
"Content BA of Commerce Cloud"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce provides a highly customizable platform that allows businesses to customize their CRM to their specific needs. This includes equipment, facilities, operations, and business processes. Salesforce provides automation tools such as workflows, workflows, and processes to help simplify and automate many business processes.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce Commerce Cloud can be very expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. The cost structure may not be suitable for every organization. Using and customizing Commerce Cloud can be complex and require expertise from developers and administrators. This complexity can be problematic for small businesses with limited technological resources.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Salesforce Platform helps me provide robust integration capabilities, which can help overcome integration challenges associated with Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It connects Commerce Cloud with other Salesforce products, third-party applications, and external systems, streamlining data flow and improving overall business processes. It offers extensive customization options, enabling you to tailor Commerce Cloud implementation to meet specific needs. Custom development using tools like Apex and Visualforce can help address gaps in native Commerce Cloud features.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Nov 04, 2023
Overall Rating:
Sumit G.
"Manage Client Data Effectively and Easily"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce provides most effective customer relationship management.In Salesforce we can automate out tasks easily by using Automation tools like Flows and Process Builders.We can track the client data easily by creating Leads.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

In Salesforce Lightning, when we display errors using the standard functionality (obj.addError), we are unable to show error lines on new lines; instead, we have to use commas or other separators to distinguish between the error messages.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

In our organisation we are using salesforce to analyse the future sale of our product.Also, we are using Reports to easily managing and analysing the clients data, and dashboards are also such a good feature that we are aolso using to show our past and future sales.

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Nov 04, 2023
Overall Rating:
Akash S.
"Great experience with Salesforce Product Partner Community"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

As a Salesforce Partner while I am using the Partner Community the best thing about that is we can collaborate our organisation with the partners and we can give access od data to the partners according to the requirement.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Initially while doing signup to the Partner community it's more complex to do the setup so it's a basic need to take the of help of support team.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

It helps our organization to manage the partners by providing us a platform where we can share our data with our partners easily.We can easily create the report by which we can analyze our sales.So it is very helpful to grow the organization effectively.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 04, 2023
Overall Rating:
Ujjawal P.
"Best Features of Community Cloud"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

The best use of Communty Cloud we can create content management sites without using any complex code which is very user friendly for the non coders. Community Cloud offers customization options so businesses can create brand pages and participate in online communities that fit their unique needs and brand.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Community Cloud is very expensive, especially for small businesses. License fees, maintenance fees, and ongoing maintenance costs can add up quickly.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Community Cloud allows organizations to create private and public online communities where they can interact with customers, partners, and employees.By using Community Cloud it is very easy to manage our different different content pages from a single source which enhances the power of content management.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 04, 2023
Overall Rating:
Shabana A.
"Best CRM Platform"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Salesforce allows us to manage potential projects and leads effectively.So we can track customer details and their information in one place and it makes easier to prioritize and qualify potential projects.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

If we have to integrate our estimating software with other tools used in the construction industry for eg. building information modeling (BIM) software.Integrating these tools with Salesforce could involve additional development work.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Salesforce helps us estimate project costs effectively because manual data entry for estimation can be challenging. This can lead to errors in cost calculations. However, by using automated processes, validation rules, and custom fields, it reduces the risk of errors in cost calculations.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Nov 03, 2023
Overall Rating:
Nidhi G.
"Excellent CRM to boost your business"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Easy to understand Point & click functionality available to customize your needs Most of the standard functionality is available to make the busniness workflow

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Sometimes delay in customer support Sometimes its slow during maintainance

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Data management is easy in salesforce, already a standard objects are available to store the data and it helps to maintain a good customer relationship & grow your business

Small Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Nov 02, 2023
Overall Rating:
Poojitha K.
Information Technology And Services
"Exploring the power of Salesforce platform"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

What I like most about the Salesforce platform is it is cloud based platform which we can customize and tailor the platform according to the business needs and it has the ability to enhance the relationship with customer, improve productivity

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

There is no dislike about the Salesforce but some could be better that is cost especially for small businesses and Salesforce mostly reliance on internet which can be one of the disadvantage

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Salesforce platform addresses key operational and customer related challenges resulting in improved productivity, data driven decision making and customer relationship and ability to adapt the business needs

Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Oct 31, 2023
Overall Rating:
Lokesh G.
"Salesforce Lightning: A User-Friendly Powerhouse"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Lightning Flow is a very helpful tool that allow user to create complex and automated flows. This is very helpful and time saver for our business.We can create interactive and dynamic reports and dashboards.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Switching from classic to lightning is a bit complicated.If we need to switch then we have to learn more about the features of lightning.

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

In my organization Sales team and Marketing teams are working together to track the Leads and easily measure the Campaign effectiveness that helps us to convert more leads.

Mid Market (51-1000 emp.)
Oct 31, 2023
Overall Rating:
Raghuram C.
Quality Inspector
"Salesforce best experience"
What do you like best about Salesforce Platform?

Easy to understand the platform. Simplified implementation of changes as per the customer need. On time response to the customer request's. Provided variety of options and dashboard to use and to make our work easy.

What do you dislike about Salesforce Platform?

Entire software is on cloud,we won't able to access offline

What problems is Salesforce Platform solving and how is that benefiting you?

Easy to understand and manage huge data. Dashboard representation makes the understanding of complicated data in a simpler manner.

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