Personio helps businesses streamline internal HR processes with ease. The all-in-one human resource software can support organizations by helping them manage their top assets, and their employees. The platform offers key features that include applicant tracking, payroll, and performance management, which all combine to minimize manual tasks and deliver comprehensive insight into your HR operations.
Capabilities |
Segment |
Deployment | Cloud / SaaS / Web-Based, Mobile Android, Mobile iPad, Mobile iPhone |
Training | Documentation |
Languages | English |
Usability and wide range of programmable features and awesome customer service. Personio is a very modern software, ideal for international and complex company structures.
Major bugs take a long time to be fixed and no effort to give discounts when something is not working.
Automatic reminder process for feedbacks and reviews. Complex international recruiting within different time zones.
How it links to Slack and its Single Signin for users, the report functions are easy to pull basic information for reporting and that it stores all HR documentation.
The lack of automation, the length of time to takes to build workflows, lack of training material for staff, especial line managers, and that you cant report or easily track signed documents.
Having all hr information in one place reducing our need for storage else where, knowing where everything is and being able to create and follow a process/workflow.
Personio ist eine recht umfangreiche Lösung, die alle Personalprozesse von Recruiting bis Einstellung und Performance Management abbildet. Außerdem ist es einige der wenigen Lösungen im deutschsprachigen Raum, die eine entsprechende Schnittstelle zu DATEV LODAS oder Lohn und Gehalt haben und somit mit DATEV Steuerberatern (mehr oder weniger) gut zurecht kommt. Wir haben uns etliche Lösungen angeschaut, und Personio war für uns im Grunde die einzige Lösung, die in Frage kommt.
Die Stärke Personios (Umfang) ist gleichzeitig auch die größte Schwäche. Das Unternehmen ist noch relativ neu, die Lösung ist breit und umfangreich und das merkt man auch: viele Funktionen sind nur oberflächlich gut, wenn man dann teifer einsteigt, hört es leider auf. Das meistgenutzte Wort in der Personio Community ist "Workaround". Verständlich, da etliche Kund:innen vermutlich nur zu einer holistischen Personallösung wechseln. Nervig, da es vermutlich noch Jahre brauchen wird, bis alles richtig rund ist. Zusätzlich gibt es einige Fälle, die Personio nicht wirklich abdeckt. Bei uns sind das flexible Arbeitszeiten. Sprich wenn jemand Mitarbeiter:innen hat, die flexibel 20h von Mo bis So arbeiten, dann kann man das in Personio schlecht bis gar nicht abbilden. Gut wiederum funktioniet es, wenn man "normale" Mitarbeiter:innen hat, die an festen Tagen mit festen Stunden arbeiten. Minijober usw. sind auch eher schwierig, da hier die Urlaubskontigentsberechnung usw. mit den flexibeln Tagen nicht zurecht kommt. Zusätzlich ist die DATEV Schnlttstelle noch nicht voll entwickelt und (zumindest unser Steuerberater) ist damit auch ordentlich am kämpfen. Fairerweise muss man das aber zum Großteil auch DATEV selbst anlasten. Deal with it, Steuerberater. Tja. Zusätzlich entsteht manchmal (häufig) der Eindruck, dass Personio alles tut, um Support Anfragen abzuwenden. Da das Produkt aufgrund seines Umfangs recht groß ist, wird das schnell nervig. Am Anfang wurde ich zB konsequent auf die Community verwiesen. Dort gab es dann zwar auch schnell Hilfe, hat sich trotzdem merkwürdig angefühlt. Das UI ist auch recht veraltet. Personio ist schnell gewachsen, viele neue Mitarbeiter:innen wurde eingestellt, und das finde ich merkt man auch an der Kompetenz.
Wir haben 50 Mitarbeiter:innen, davon 20 Minijobber und die meisten der übrigen 30 Teilzeit. Wir müssen Stunden erfassen, Mitarbeiter:innen einstellen, Verträge aufsetzen, Zeiten erfassen, das Ganze an den Steuerberater zur Abrechnung übermitteln und wiederum den Mitarbeiter:innen Lohnunterhalten zur Verfügung stellen. Den Prozesse kann man (mehr oder weniger gut, wie schon beschrieben) über Personio vollumfänglich abbilden. Ich denke Personio ist sich der ganzen Punkte auch bewusst, und arbeitet dran, aber es wird halt noch dauern.
- The simple and nice UI - The Employee digital profile and documents folder
- Paying a lot of money for something that hasn't much improvement and was for free before e.g. Performance Tool - Adjustments to better analyze data are very difficult and manual work - The recruiting partner packages e.g. Stepstone, Indeed...are not really attractive / too expensive
- Many HR purposes in one software plattform - Easy to use for all employees - The flexible usage of the employee profile makes us more productive
I am, let's say, "happy" with the product (simple, clean). Customer Service, in my personal experience, is the best. We have an implementation manager Daniela Bejarano who is understanding, helpful, progressively thinking, and extremely well-versed in the product. On top of it, she is flexible and friendly. A lot of people in the company like to use it (compared to having any HR software in the past), which makes HR work easier. Even though this product definitely needs more training, UX/UI product, and features.
A bit weak on the recruiting function." (job application questions to screen the candidates better are missing) No app is available yet, but as I heard, "it will be issued soon." In terms of Performance and Development, we are paying extra money for this, and even if the process was improved, there is no possibility of putting titles and subtitles to explain well to the employees the performance appraisal process. (Only questions are allowed) In general: a lot of improvements are needed - especially in design and functionalities, guides, resources, tutorials
We had a problem with the approval of leaves and attendance, which we needed to learn how to set up properly, but Customer Support was diligent enough to explain it to us. I repeat: If the guides and resources were well done and the product more intuitive or if there were more videos, we would not have been able to have these issues and contact Customer Support.
The presentation of the employee database
The outdate system for uploading payroll
The integration has been a nightmare and, so far, I haven't seen any benefit from the previous platform
The opportunity to store and manage all employees information in one point and to lead the recruiting activities across different departments and countries in a consistent way.
Unfortunately Personio doesn't offer yet an integrated way to manage also Training (LMS) and Performance Management processes. They have partnerships in place and I know that they are working on these areas but, not having already these processes integrated is a challenge for us.
EQS is a company that more than doubled its size in the last 3 years. Three years ago we didn't have structured processes in place and the employees information management wasn't centralized. With Personio we had the opportunity to streamline and improve our administration and recruiting process allowing HR to assume an even more central role in this growth. Implementing Personio had also an impact on our HR organizational structure. Now we have a Global HR Department that is coordinating HR activities across the different countries through shared processes. This guarantees a consistent way of managing our employees information, monitoring the effectiveness of Recruiting activities and providing HR the opportunity to focus on other strategic topics.
It does the job: gather information of employees in one place, make them managable, unite recruiting information from various plattforms into one place, and helps to further process those down the line.
The UX is simply far far behind what you'd expect a company valued this high to be. Too many clicks for the most basic tasks. Sometimes 3x button clicks for one job. Simple things like company events (xmas party) cannot be placed in a calender so when employees want to book holidays , they'd see it. Even a simple google calender integration is not available and you'd be charged for some third party solution.
Again, Personio unites information in one place very well and that is key benefit. It was implemented fast and easily. Especially time management, holidays, working times etc. and recruiting are essential to our company.
Ich benutze Personio als Mitarbeiter, um meinen Urlaub, Krankheitstage oder auch Reisekostenabrechnung an meinen Arbeitgeber zu übermitteln. Mit einigen Umwegen, die ich in der jeweiligen Kategorie nutzen muss, ist Personio dafür Nutzen zur Zweckerfüllung.
UI & UX + fehlende Funktionaliäten die die Nutzung erleichtern würden. Ich finde die UI-Oberfläche nicht ansprechend. Viel zu trist. Außerdem ist die Usability echt überarbeitbar. Ich suche oft für meine Wünsche an der falschen Stelle und finde auch das z.B die Reisekostenabrechnung sehr aufwendig ist.
Führt für mich alles notwendige, was ich als Arbeitnehmer an meinen Arbeitgeber übertragen möchte in einem Tool ab. Vorher hatten wir unterschiedliche Tools dafür. Das ist eine Verbesserung für mich.
User friendly interface, easy to implement
many clicks to finish a process too generic
Personio is constantly developing their tool, however an HR Administrator is way too limited in the possibilites of using the tool properly
I have used Personio in 3 companies now. I love the features, the usability and the friendliness of the team. They go the extra mile to make a product launch successful.
We had a long discussion with the sales team prior to the contract because there was one feature that the competitor had that we missed dearly. The sales team recommended writing software ourselves to create importable data. In exchange, we got a discount on the price of 35%. During the first year, the import function did not work for more than 6 weeks. We had to manually type in the data. This led to an effort that reduced the positive effects of personio to as good as nothing for the year. It started working again out of the blue and the support did not understand why it stopped or why it started to work again. We would have hoped to convince them to test the interfaces offered. But that did not seem possible. After one year the discount was reduced to 5%. At the same time, we asked to make sure that the import works as we rely on it. We do understand that prices can be negotiated. We would have expected that the sales team mentions that the discounts are only granted for one year. After Sales Service mentioned that this is a frequent problem. Sales offers discounts to make the deal. Then prices are being raised after one year and the customers are very unhappy. We find the process has a touch that is neither transparent nor fair. Choose wisely with whom to go through the effort of software implementation.
We centralized all employee data and use it to manage, contracts, vacation, sickness and the like. If it works, it is a treat! We work decentralized and personio provides the transparency that we need.
It has a lot of functions and options to take care.
I think it is not though from the worker perspective, mostly from the manager.
Clarifying my team lead about my time attendance.
Provides help with time tracking and absence management, visual overview of organisational chart and employees, provides easy access for employees to manage their personal data, streamlines communication with payroll. Document template creation.
Implementation and customer support; overall the implementation phase, since it is self-paced, was not optimal, it lacked focus for me and it would have been better to have a guided implementation with a dedicated onboarding specialist. Additionally, I lack clarity on features - if they are or are not included, most of the time i have only found out when we wanted to use it. Customer support while quick, is only per email, trying to call so far has not worked plus it seems that they are also limited in their support - cannot remove wrongly entered data, etc. Again here would be nice to have a dedicate person, i keep looking through forums to find solutions. My main issues are with reporting - data in history entries need to be very carefuly managed which means a lot of manual work plus they cannot be deleted, so if you wrongly enter something, good luck, it messes up reports. Salary implementation was also complicated, it is only possible to divide salaries by 12 not another number (e.g. in Austria therea re 14, sometimes even 15 salaries), which is limiting. And it is not possible to turn off the monthly view to upload annual salaries only - because then employees get confused that the numbers dont match. It is not possible to get an overview of documents (at least i have not found one) and i had to go through every user individually. Also document bulk creation is not possible - again a lot of manual work. External payroll is as one, regular user; so if you are not careful, they can end up in your reports.
time tracking absence management basic eployee data management employee lists and informatiion
Employeed list is nice and has a nice overview.
Recieving spam emails as recruting emails, that's unacceptable.
Dealing with vacations and helping with recruting process.
- Good overview - Digital documents for all employees - Good rights management - Good onboarding-features
- Increasing prices - SAAS, but many new features will cost extra - Removing features (performance) - Service policy (only account-owners and one more person may contact the service) - Missing good time-clock-feature (we need still extra tool for time-measurement)
We dont neet as much paper as in the past.
Ease of use and implementation, very intuitiv HRM system
Graphics are a lit bit boring, but it doesn't influence a work
We use actively a recruiting module of Personio, it helps us to optimise the whole recruitig process
All HR information centralized and great customer support and implementation team and material. Adapted to the local legizlation.
Absolutley nothing. I do not have anything bad to say. All great.
Personio helps me to centralize and generalize the onboarding process, the recruitment information and job publications. Also I can manage employees´s contracts and signatures, attendence, Vacation time. Also I can announce things. All in the same space.
Having joined my employer post personio implementation. I was initially very impressed with the amount of customisation and bespoke tools we were able to utilise to help support our people and engagement strategies. The feedback from our teams are overwhelmingly positive and we are still working on areas of utilisation,earning the opportunities for further improvements are incredibly exciting
The support we receive from our account manager, the user interface and the ability to report quickly and easily are game changers for our team.
Personio's ability to integrate with other tools has been life changing for our people team. Whether reducing onboarding times, helping engage new starters or allowing our people to self manage holidays and give them the ability to own their personal details and self serve deliver excellent time and cost savings.
Powerful tool to facilate HR Processes and to work closelsy together with stakeholder like (hiring) managers or IT department
not really anything I particularly disliked, but sometimes adaptions are not possible in all sections, but the personio team is really eager to implement changes and is really open to user feedback
again helps facilitae Hr Process and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration